pairsD3 0.1.2
- Added option for main diagonal
- Initialised the documentation page with pkgdown
pairsD3 0.1.1
pairsD3 0.1.0 (2015-04-28)
- Specify d3 as a dependency and move it to its own folder.
This is to ensure that d3 is picked up only once on a page,
when multiple d3 based charts are used on a page. Thanks to
Ramnath Vaidyanathan for this fix.
- Namespace styles so that they are applied only to pairsD3 charts.
Thanks to Ramnath Vaidyanathan for this fix.
- Better handling of NA and NaN values. These are now dealt with
on a pairwise basis.
- Updated tooltip to show row number (name) and (optionally) the
group an observation belongs to.
- Improved the padding defaults and sizing.
pairsD3 0.0.6 (2015-04-08)
- First CRAN release of pairsD3 package